Tuesday, September 14, 2004

The Reporter's view on reporter

My friend was a reporter before. She attended a seminar last week, the speaker is a chief writer for a magazine, he analyze the technology trend with his personal view .

My friend,being a ex-reporter, talk about the content of speech and the speaker's intention on the seminar, and point out:
1. The reporter hardly has a deep insight on any topic, because he is not from the industry domain.
2. His job is focus on providing the snapshot of a event for the reader.
3. He won't have much time to analyze the issue he was responsible for, the request on a broader view is more urgent than deepen the implication .
4. He is a information distributor, not a knowlede creator or experience owner, he write down what he heared from others.
5. For the publishing , the reporter will spend much time on polish his article.


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